Platforms 4 Future

Platforms 4 Future


P4F #19 / SE2 with Jens Knodel, Head of Platform Engineering at Caruso, and Matthias Naab, Co-Founder Full Flamingo

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The Caruso alliance was formed 25 years ago by the Tech Alliance, a company dedicated to cataloging data for spare parts. Drawing on their experience and success, the alliance decided to create a platform for accessing and harmonizing car data. The goal was to make it easier for customers to access and use the data they needed.

The Caruso alliance has achieved this goal by harmonizing the data and the technical way of accessing the data. For example, they have created a unified data catalog, making sure that the data items satisfy the use cases their customers have. In addition, they have harmonized the technical way of accessing the data, so that customers can consume the data in the way they need. This could be in the form of a full API, a streaming technology, or a webhook.

The success of the Caruso alliance is due to the fact that the companies involved understood the importance of forming an alliance to achieve their goal. By pooling their resources, sharing their expertise, and leveraging the strengths of each member, they were able to create a powerful and sustainable platform ecosystem.

Forming alliances is an effective way to create and sustain a successful platform ecosystem. By understanding the technology, data, and business models behind these platforms, businesses can pool their resources, share their expertise, and leverage the strengths of each member to create an unbeatable platform. The Caruso alliance is a perfect example of the power of alliances and serves as a great model for businesses looking to create their own successful platform ecosystem.

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Hello and welcome to Platforms 4 Future.

This podcast is about building / scaling B2B platform ventures and to help you to accelerate and de-risks your journey with practical tips and insights.

In our conversations we talk to founders, executives and experts uncovering what they experienced and learned building their ventures. But we also cover new trends like ecosystem strategies, IoT & data platforms, web3 and sustainability. This podcast is complementary to our platform innovation kit toolset and the Platform academy where you can find more tools and learning opportunities for you and your team.

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And now, enjoy todays conversation...


by Matthias Walter, Nathalie Dumas Lamborghini


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