P4F #14 / SE2 with Marc Geckeler & Dirk Voigt, Tech Lead & Biz Lead at Volkswagen
The story of DPP started 3 years ago. They went through a selection of partners, formed an alliance, listened to customers and onboarded a lot of plants.
Transformation of a classical production company into a data driven platform is not an easy journey and therefore we have invited Marc Geckler, the Tech Lead and Dirk Voigt, the business lead from VolksWagen to share their success story.
Data is always the most valuable asset and sharing it can be complex even among different plants of the same company. DPP has initiated a three platform approach to create a powerful cloud and build the applications on top. This approach will help to remove the borders between plants and allow exchange of innovative ideas.
How did DPP go around network effects? “It all started like popcorn”.
Do you want to hear more about building a cloud platform in the production industry? Listen to the episode on your favorite broadcast platform:
Listen to the episode on your favorite broadcast platform. #platforms4future
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