Platforms 4 Future

Platforms 4 Future


P4F #11 / SE2 with Tilmar Wilhelm Goos, Blockchain Expert

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Web 3, Blockchain, Crypto, Decentralized Finance are currently the most discussed topics in the business world. To get some more understanding we have invited as guest of this Episode a specialist in this field - Tilmar Wilhelm Goos, Swiss based international tax and business specialist, speaker at conferences and universities an author of the book “Banking Bitcoins Taxation — The handbook of international money management and digital assets”.

Nowadays, in Web 2, everything is client oriented, banking does the job for you. With a shift to Web 3 and decentralized finances, means a transfer of responsibility to the individual or company itself. Decentralized Finance provides the infrastructure to participate and act on your own. But there is still a big gap between generations that has to be filled in.

Tilmar has shared with us his leadership advice: “Get involved. Play around within the technology, get a feeling of how this all works. Don’t trust, verify.”

Do you want to hear more about the future of the financial sector and its transformation?

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Hello and welcome to Platforms 4 Future.

This podcast is about building / scaling B2B platform ventures and to help you to accelerate and de-risks your journey with practical tips and insights.

In our conversations we talk to founders, executives and experts uncovering what they experienced and learned building their ventures. But we also cover new trends like ecosystem strategies, IoT & data platforms, web3 and sustainability. This podcast is complementary to our platform innovation kit toolset and the Platform academy where you can find more tools and learning opportunities for you and your team.

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And now, enjoy todays conversation...


by Matthias Walter, Nathalie Dumas Lamborghini


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