Platforms 4 Future

Platforms 4 Future


P4F #06 / SE2 with Florian Klemt, Co-founder & CTO of Fashion Cloud platform

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Fashion Cloud is a B2B platform, helping fashion brands and retail stores to work together through data sharing. In this episode, you will learn about:

How they pivoted from a B2C application project into a B2B platforms used by the biggest German brands, How they manage to scale based on trust and company culture,
The crazyness of their recruitment process.

The complete episode can be listened on your favorite podcast provider. #platforms4future


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About this podcast

Hello and welcome to Platforms 4 Future.

This podcast is about building / scaling B2B platform ventures and to help you to accelerate and de-risks your journey with practical tips and insights.

In our conversations we talk to founders, executives and experts uncovering what they experienced and learned building their ventures. But we also cover new trends like ecosystem strategies, IoT & data platforms, web3 and sustainability. This podcast is complementary to our platform innovation kit toolset and the Platform academy where you can find more tools and learning opportunities for you and your team.

For more please visit

And now, enjoy todays conversation...


by Matthias Walter, Nathalie Dumas Lamborghini


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