Platforms 4 Future

Platforms 4 Future


P4F #016 with Thilo Kassen, Executive manager of Prisma

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In our latest Episode we were very pleased to welcome Thilo Kassen, Executive Manager of PRISMA Capacity, the leading gas capacity platform in Europe. Together with Thilo we discussed the interesting shareholder model behind the company and how sustainability and climate change affect the future gas market in the long run.

PRISMA Capacity is acting as the leading gas capacity trading platform in Europe. Within their marketplace they offer the possibility to easily auction transmission gas capacity at primary and secondary market level. Founded in 2005, PRISMA is currently connecting 45 infrastructure operators and over 600 shipper companies all over Europe. Although the number of players on the platform sounds quite small, PRISMA manages about 70% of the European gas market which is highly fragmented.

What makes PRISMA so special is the shareholder model they operate. Founded and owned by many energy companies around Europe, this cross-country collaboration model of PRISMA could act as a role model for other industries and european wide platforms initiatives

We are very pleased to discuss together with Thilo Kassen, Executive Manager of PRISMA Capacity, about the background of the company's foundation and the shareholder management that goes along with its business model.

Henrik is Chief Digital Officer of the Evonik Group and CEO of Evonik Digital. In his role, he initiated the development of a marketplace in 2017 - an absolute novelty in the very traditional chemical industry. 3 years later, however, the platform is already history.

Why Evonik abandoned the idea, what hurdles Henrik had to deal with, and what he nevertheless learned from this journey into the startup world - that's what he talks about rather frankly with Natalie and Matthias.


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Hello and welcome to Platforms 4 Future.

This podcast is about building / scaling B2B platform ventures and to help you to accelerate and de-risks your journey with practical tips and insights.

In our conversations we talk to founders, executives and experts uncovering what they experienced and learned building their ventures. But we also cover new trends like ecosystem strategies, IoT & data platforms, web3 and sustainability. This podcast is complementary to our platform innovation kit toolset and the Platform academy where you can find more tools and learning opportunities for you and your team.

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And now, enjoy todays conversation...


by Matthias Walter, Nathalie Dumas Lamborghini


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